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SpankinMonkees "TreeHouse" !!
Spankies Spankers

My office is out in the pole barn along with my "Budlite" fridge..and always stocked for friends that may stop by!!
During the winter months my Spankers get a treat to very cool air,but during the summer months I just kick on the AC. Soon I will be building a rack to put them along one wall,which are very insulated and serve the purpose well,,,cool in summer-cooler in the winter,lol!!

Asus A7m266 with 1.13 266FSB O/c to 1.275 FSB150...this is the first time I've had a Cathy Yu ASUS sled,so far so good!!




One on the bottom is my trusty Abit Kt7-Raid Axia 1.2 O/c to 3.20 Radeon DDR 64 my "little baby"!!
One on top of it is Kt7a 1.33 266FSB O/c to 1.525 FSB150.

Iwill DDR and 1.4 266 Y series pic coming soon!!

Deep within the Illinois countryside there is a place where over 20 gigahertz of Athlon power is cranking away non stop 24hrs a day for the  Barbarians.



I run them all off A Belkin 16 port KVM .I keep the AC on with all covers off,ceiling fan a crankin and large box fan blowing air thru the front.Last winter I never heated the office and they ran smooth as silk.I froze my ass off but what the heck,lol!!Thats what coveralls are for RIGHT!!

I'm currently working on setting up a gateway thru my main system in the house "s2460 Tiger Dual 1.2 MP" My plan is to run a Rj-45 cable outside to my office where it will hook thru a rounter-hub and feed each to each box by nic. Starband 2-way Satellite is my means of communication but does not support a router hookup right off the Satellite modem....i hope to have this setup sometime in the near future.

Beware,you are entering Dangerous Nuclear Testing Site!!
"Spankie's Secret Seti Weapon" coming soon can be found below!!

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